Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides: A Complete Guide 


In the vast and adventurous world of role-playing games, completing quests is a crucial part of building your character’s legacy. One such thrilling quest is the task to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides, a challenge that has players journeying into dangerous territories to gather these elusive hides. As the name suggests, this quest requires players to obtain 25 hobgoblin hides and deliver them to Blorbo, a wise and cunning figure with mysterious motives.

This guide will take you through everything you need to know about completing this task: who Blorbo is, why he needs the hides, how to obtain them, and tips for success. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned adventurer, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into successfully navigating this quest.

Who is Blorbo the Shrewd?

Blorbo the Shrewd is a fascinating character in the gaming world, known for his cunning ways and deep knowledge of the realm. He is a strategic mastermind, often tasked with managing resources and trade routes between distant lands. Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides marks one of his most famous quests, as Blorbo has a unique need for these hobgoblin hides.

Blorbo isn’t just any NPC (non-playable character); he has a background rooted in intrigue and craftiness. Players often find themselves wondering what exactly he plans to do with these hobgoblin hides. Could it be for crafting special armor, part of a grand barter deal, or a crucial element in a deeper, darker scheme? These questions are part of the mystery that surrounds him.

Why Hobgoblin Hides?

Hobgoblin hides are not your typical materials in the game. These hides are valuable due to their durability and mystical properties, which make them useful for crafting robust armor, tools, or even magical artifacts. Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides as part of this quest because he sees the worth in gathering such rare materials. But obtaining hobgoblin hides is no simple task. It requires skill, patience, and strategic thinking, as hobgoblins are fierce creatures that guard their territories fiercely.

These hides are often hidden deep within hobgoblin camps or strongholds, making it even more difficult to acquire them without facing dangerous encounters. But for the player brave enough to take on the challenge, the rewards are significant. Beyond just completing the quest, there are often secondary benefits to collecting hobgoblin hides, such as earning rare items or crafting powerful armor.

How to Find Hobgoblin Hides

The central challenge of the Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides quest is, of course, collecting the 25 hobgoblin hides. Here are a few tips on how to successfully gather these valuable items:

1. Locate Hobgoblin Camps

Hobgoblins typically reside in camps scattered across the map, usually in remote or difficult-to-reach locations. They tend to form small, tight-knit groups that guard their hides fiercely. To find the camps, look for forested areas, caves, or mountainous regions. These camps are often well-guarded, so be prepared for a fight once you enter their territory.

2. Prepare for Combat

Hobgoblins are tough opponents. With high health points and strong attacks, they are not easily defeated. Make sure your character is well-equipped with weapons and armor before engaging in combat. Having a team or party can significantly increase your chances of success. Utilize a mix of ranged and melee attacks, and don’t hesitate to use buffs or healing potions.

3. Craft the Right Tools

Before setting out on your quest, it’s helpful to craft tools and gear that increase your chances of success. For instance, certain weapons may deal extra damage to hobgoblins, or you may find gear that increases your chances of scavenging rare items like hides. Prepare well for battle and survival in harsh environments.

4. Sneak and Scout

If direct combat is not your style, sneaking into hobgoblin camps and scouting the area can sometimes yield surprising results. Hobgoblins have weak points in their defenses, which can be exploited if you take the time to observe their movements. You may even find abandoned hides lying around in less-guarded areas.

5. Use Trading as an Alternative

While gathering hobgoblin hides through combat is the primary way to complete the quest, some players find success through trading with other players or NPCs. Certain traders might have a limited stock of hobgoblin hides available for barter, especially if you’ve built a good reputation in the game. Be prepared to exchange rare items or gold for these hides, but this method can save you time if you’re struggling with combat.

The Importance of Teamwork

In many role-playing games, working with a team can make all the difference. The quest to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides is no exception. Whether you’re playing online with friends or gathering NPC companions to aid you, teamwork can significantly improve your chances of success. Here’s why:

1. Shared Resources

When working with a team, you can share the burden of gathering hobgoblin hides. While one player focuses on combat, another might focus on healing or scouting. This division of labor allows each team member to play to their strengths.

2. Diverse Skillsets

Different characters bring different skills to the table. For example, one team member might be skilled in stealth and can sneak into hobgoblin camps to gather hides undetected, while another might excel in combat, taking down the hobgoblins directly.

3. Faster Completion

By splitting up tasks and responsibilities, a team can complete the quest to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides faster than a solo player. This efficiency can also lead to gathering more hides in less time, which could prove useful for other quests or crafting.

Rewards for Completing the Quest

Completing the quest to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides is more than just another achievement. Players who finish this task are often rewarded with valuable loot, rare items, or access to special areas within the game. Here are some of the potential rewards you can expect:

1. Unique Armor or Weapons

Blorbo is known to reward players with unique items, and completing this quest may unlock special armor or weapons crafted from the hobgoblin hides you gather. These items are typically powerful and can give you an edge in future battles.

2. Gold and Experience Points

Most quests offer gold or experience points as rewards, and this quest is no different. Completing the task will likely earn you a hefty sum of gold, as well as a significant amount of experience points that can help you level up.

3. Unlocking New Quests

Blorbo’s quests often tie into larger storylines within the game. Completing the Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides quest may unlock additional quests or lead you further down a narrative path that reveals more about Blorbo’s plans and motivations.

Tips for Success

  • Patience is Key: Gathering 25 hobgoblin hides can take time. Be patient, and don’t rush into battles unprepared.
  • Watch Your Inventory: Hobgoblin hides can be bulky, so make sure you manage your inventory wisely. You don’t want to run out of space halfway through your quest.
  • Upgrade Your Gear: Before embarking on this quest, make sure your weapons, armor, and tools are up to the task. Upgrading gear can give you the edge you need to defeat hobgoblins efficiently.
  • Talk to NPCs: NPCs in the game often provide valuable hints or even sell items that can help you in your quest. Don’t hesitate to engage with them for advice or resources.


The quest to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides is not only a test of your combat skills but also a challenge that requires strategic thinking and patience. By following this guide and understanding the ins and outs of hobgoblin hide gathering, you’ll be well on your way to completing this epic task. Whether it’s for the rewards, the experience points, or simply the satisfaction of aiding Blorbo the Shrewd, this quest is a memorable and rewarding part of the game’s adventure.

Good luck, adventurer—may you gather the hides and return victorious to Blorbo, earning both his respect and your rightful rewards!

FAQs for Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides

1. What is the purpose of the “Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides” quest?

This quest requires players to gather 25 hobgoblin hides for Blorbo the Shrewd. The purpose of the quest is to collect these rare and valuable hides, which Blorbo uses for his mysterious and strategic purposes. It tests a player’s combat, scavenging, and tactical skills.

2. Where can I find hobgoblins to collect their hides?

Hobgoblins are usually found in camps located in remote and dangerous areas such as forests, caves, and mountainous regions. Be prepared for combat when entering these zones, as hobgoblins are well-guarded and aggressive.

3. What are the rewards for completing the “Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides” quest?

Upon completing the quest, players can expect rewards such as gold, experience points, and possibly rare weapons or armor crafted from the hobgoblin hides. The rewards also often unlock further quests or narrative developments in the game.

4. Can I trade or buy hobgoblin hides instead of collecting them myself?

Yes, some players or NPC traders may have hobgoblin hides available for barter. However, acquiring all 25 hides through trade can be expensive, and it may take time to find enough available hides for sale.

5. How difficult is it to defeat hobgoblins and collect their hides?

Hobgoblins are tough enemies with high health points and strong attacks. They often appear in groups, so it’s important to prepare for battle with the right gear, potions, and strategy. Working in a team can make the task easier.

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